Finally some interesting and fresh news! The first McQ store has been opened few days ago. McQ is located in one of Dover Street`s Georgian townhouses. It is also squeezed besides Acne, A.P.C and Rei Kawakubo`s Dover Street Market. I really enjoy watching interiors of new stores, especially when it is about extraordinary brand as McQ is! The store offers special catwalk pieces alongside ready-to-wear collections in a rich McQ environment. Also what makes this store unique is techno in-store gizmos like a mirror with try it on , take a picture and send it to social media. And this is what I think is a great idea. I would try it on immediately! Here are the picks of this amazing piece!
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ОдговориИзбришиSavrseno i ja kazem isto! :)
ОдговориИзбришиnice post, sweetie
ОдговориИзбришиi like your blog)
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