уторак, 10. јануар 2012.

Jason Wu for Target

I already wrote about this collaboration between Jason Wu and Target. There will be 53 pices in the collection, witch will be filed not only by clothes, but also with handbegs and scarves.The praces will range from $19.99 to $59.99. I really like the collection. I am sad cuz there is no Target near us. In the next post you will see handbegs and scarves.

Već sam pisala o ovoj kolaboraciji izmeđju Jason Vu-a i Targeta. U kolekciji će se naći 53 komada, a osim odeće, sastojaće se i od torbi i šaleva. Cena će se kretati između $19.99 i $59.99. Mogu reći da mi se sviđa kolekcija i rado bi kupila neke komade. Baš šteta što Targeta nema u okolini. U sledećem postu ću vam pokazati torbe i šaleve.   

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